Food Service Information
We will offer breakfast from 7:25a.m. to 7:45a.m. each school day for students in grades K-5 as they enter the building. Breakfast will be “Grab and Go” style, and the students will eat their breakfast in their classroom as they prepare for the day. ALL students will receive free breakfast.
Students will have to pay for lunch unless their family qualifies for Free or Reduced price lunches. The full price for Elementary Student Lunches during the 2023-2024 school year is $3.25, and milk is $.60. We are requesting that ALL families apply for Free/Reduced meals prior to September. Many of the grants and opportunities that become available to our district is based on the percentage of families qualifying for free or reduced services.
Please note that paperwork for free and reduced lunches must be filled out each year and submitted within the first month of school for updating purposes. You can apply online via a link under the free and reduced tab, or fill out a paper application. If at any time during the school year you believe that your student may qualify for free or reduced lunch, please call the Elementary office at 330-488-0392, and we will be happy to send home a new application.